M. D. Stafleu

Marinus Dirk (DickStafleu (1937) is a retired physicist. After studying at Leyden University, he was engaged for ten years as a scientific investigator at the Catholic University Nijmegen, where he received his PhD in experimental physics in 1967. From 1973-1998 he worked at the teacher training institute at Utrecht, first teaching physics, philosophy and history of science, later as a director. He has published many papers and several books on the philosophy and history of science.

His own webpage is found here: http://www.mdstafleu.nl/

An interview with Steve Bishop

His philosophical autobiography

On-line articles

‘Quantum physics and the philsophy of the cosmonomic idea‘ (translated by H. Kiefte from ‘Quantumfysica en wijsbegeerte der wetsidee’ Philosophia Reformata 31 (1966) 126)

A World Full of Relations [pdf]

A translation by the author of the Dutch Een wereld vol relaties, Karakter en zin van natuurlijke dingen en processen, Amsterdam 2002: Buijten & Schipperheijn. (c) M D Stafleu

Relations and Characters in Protestant Philosophy (2006) 


1966. Quantumfysica en wijsbegeerte der wetsidee. Philosophia Reformata 31: 126-156.

1968. ‘Individualiteit in de fysica’, in D.M Bakker et al., Reflexies, opstellen aangeboden aan Prof. Dr. J.P.A. Mekkes, ter gelegenheid van zijn zeventigste verjaardag, pp. 287–305 Amsterdam: Buijten en Schipperheijn.

1970. Analysis of time in modern physics. Philosophia Reformata 35: 1-24, 119-131. Part 1 Part 2

1972. Metric and measurement in physics. Philosophia Reformata 37: 42-57.

1978. The mathematical and technical opening up of a field of science. Philosophia Reformata 43: 18-37.

1979. The isolation of a field of science. Philosophia Reformata 44: 1-15.

1980a. The opening up of a field of science by abstraction and synthesis. Philosophia Reformata 45: 47-76.

1980b. Time and again, A systematic analysis of the foundations of physics, Toronto: Wedge; Bloemfontein: Sacum.

1981. Theories as logically qualified artefacts I. Philosophia Reformata 46: 164-189.

1982. Theories as logically qualified artefacts II. Philosophia Reformata 47: 20-40.

1983. Kritische studie: Popper’s Postscript (I). Philosophia Reformata 48: 50-65.

1984a. Kritische studie: Popper’s Postscript (II). Philosophia Reformata 49: 71-91.

1984b. The kind of motion we call heat. Tydskrif vir christelike wetenskap 20: 1-43.

1985. Spatial things and kinematic events (On the reality of mathematically qualified structures of individuality). Philosophia Reformata 50: 9-20.

1986. Some problems of time – some facts of life. Philosophia Reformata 51: 67-82.

1987. Theories at work, On the structure and functioning of theories in science, in particular during the Copernican revolution, Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America.

1988. Criteria for a law sphere (with special emphasis on the psychic’ modal aspect). Philosophia Reformata 53: 171-186.

1989. De verborgen structuur, Wijsgerige beschouwingen over natuurlijke structuren en hun samenhang, Amsterdam: Buijten en Schipperheijn.

1991. Being human in the cosmos. Philosophia Reformata 56: 101-131.

1992. En toch beweegt zij, Geschiedenis van de natuurkunde van Pythagoras tot Newton, Meppel etc.: Boom.

1994. De structuur der materie in de wijsbegeerte van de wetsidee. in: H.G. Geertsema et al. (eds.), Herman Dooyeweerd 1894-1977, Breedte en actualiteit van zijn filosofie, Kampen: Kok, 114-142.

1995a. Modelvorming als heuristisch instrument in het wetenschappelijke ontsluitingsproces. Philosophia Reformata 60: 1-15.

1995b. The cosmochronological idea in natural science. in: S. Griffioen, B.M. Balk (eds.), Christian philosophy at the close of the twentieth century, Kampen: Kok, 93-111.

1996a. Filosofie van de natuurwetenschap. in: R. van Woudenberg (red.), Kennis en werkelijkheid, 177-202, Amsterdam: Buijten en Schipperheijn.

1997. Comments on anticipations. Philosophia Reformata 62: 129-144.

1998. Experimentele filosofie, Geschiedenis van de natuurkunde vanuit een wijsgerig perspectief, Amsterdam: Buijten en Schipperheijn.

1999. The idea of natural law. Philosophia Reformata 64: 88-104.

2000. The idionomy of natural kinds and the biological concept of a species. Philosophia Reformata 65: 154-169.

2001. A World Full of Relations. A translation of Stafleu 2002a

2002a. Een wereld vol relaties, Karakter en zin van natuurlijke dingen en processen, Amsterdam: Buijten en Schipperheijn.

2002b. Evolution, history and the individual character of a person. Philosophia Reformata 67: 3-18.

2003. On aesthetically qualified characters and their mutual interlacements. Philosophia Reformata 68: 137-147. see here

2004. On the character of social communities, the state and the public domain. Philosophia Reformata 69: 125-139. See here

2005. The relation frame of keeping company. Reply to Andrew Basden. Philosophia Reformata 70: 151-164. See here

2006a. Infinity and continuity. Tydskrif vir Christelike Wetenskap, 163–174.

2006b. Relations and characters in Protestant philosophy

2007. Philosophical ethics and the so-called ethical aspect Philosophia Reformata 72(1): 21-33. See here.

2008. Isaac Newton’s Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica. Radix 34: 39–53.

2008. Time and history in the philosophy of the cosmonomic idea. Philosophia Reformata 73(2): 154-169

2011. Bestaan driehoeken en cirkels echt? Sophie 1(4): 44–47.

2011. Chronos & Clio, The Time in History . Buijten and Schipperheijn, Amsterdam.

2014. Nuances in the Philosophy of the Cosmonomic Idea . Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 79(3), Art. #423, 8 pages. http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/koers.v79i3.423. Also here

2014. Essays on Normative Principles and Characters: A Collection of Published Papers

2015. Laws for Dynamic Development. Available online here:  http://www.mdstafleu.nl/

2016. Theory and Experiment.

2021. A Strong State and a Strong Society.

2021. Gunton, R, Stafleu, MD & Reiss, MJ 2021. A general theory of objectivity: Contributions from the Reformational philosophy tradition. Foundations of Science . DOI: 10.1007/s10699-021-09809-x.

2022. Encyclopaedia of relations and characters, their evolution and history

2022. Symmetry and transformation: A critical-realistic view of the transition from classical to modern physics

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