George Harinck

George Harinck (1958 – ) is the Director of the Archives and Documentation Centre, Kampen  and Professor of history at the VU-University, Amsterdam. He studied history at Leiden in 1993 and obtained his doctorate from the Free University in Amsterdam. From 2003 he was the professor of history at the ADC chair at the Theological University in Kampen. He is also director of the Historical Documentation Center for Dutch Protestantism (1800-present) at the VU. In 2001, he was a visiting scholar at Princeton Theological Seminary, USA.


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Bibliography of English articles


Poetry of Theologian Geerhardus Vos, in: Robert P. Swierenga, Jacob E. Nyenhuis, Nella Kennedy (eds.), Dutch-American Arts and Letters in Historical Perspective (Holland, Michigan 2008) 69-80.


The Position of the Church as Institute in Society: A Comparison between Bonhoeffer and Kuyper’The Princeton Seminary Bulletin XXVIII, nr. 1 (2007) 86-98. Met Gerard Dekker


Morsels in the Melting Pot: The Persistence of Dutch Immigrant Communities in North America, Amsterdam 2006, 246 pag. Met Hans Krabbendam

‘Of weeds and wall flowers: small Dutch ethnic communities in North America’, in: Harinck & Krabbendam, Morsels in the Melting Pot, 7-20


Amsterdam-New York: Transatlantic Relations and Urban Identities since 1653, George Harinck & Hans Krabbendam (eds.), Amsterdam 2005, 196 pages.

‘Amsterdam-New York: Parallels and Reversals in an Enduring Relationship’, in: Harinck & Krabbendam, Amsterdam-New York, met Hans Krabbendam, 9-16

‘Homeward Bound: New Yorker’s Quest for Amsterdam at the End of the Nineteenth Century’, in: Harinck & Krabbendam, Amsterdam-New York, 148-165

The Geelkerken Case and Modern Culture. Paper given at the Conference of the International Society for the Study of Reformed Communities, Edinburgh 2003 [pdf off-site]

Abraham Kuyper’s Historical Understanding and Reformed HistoriographyFides et Historia XXXVII (Winter/Spring 2005) 71-82


‘Dutch Reformed Church (Gereformeerde Kerk)’, in: Hans J. Hillerbrand (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Protestantism, Vol. 2, London/New York, 2004, 622-625

‘Introduction to the Bibliography of Dutch Protestant Periodicals’, in: Harinck e.a., Bibliografie van Nederlandse Protestantse Periodieken, deel 1, 23-36

Vicissitudes of Reformed Theology in the Twentieth Century, George Harinck and Dirk van Keulen (eds.), Zoetermeer 2004, 314 pages

‘Introduction’, in: Harinck and Van Keulen Vicissitudes of Reformed Theology in the Twentieth Century, met Dirk van Keulen, 7-12


‘The reception of the Liberation of 1944 in the Christian Reformed Church I-II’, in: Clarion. The Canadian Reformed Magazine, LII, nr. 2, 17 January 2003, pag. 32-34; LII, nr. 3, 31 januari 2003, pag. 53-56

‘”Something precious that must remain, if the truth is to be sweet and precious to us.” The reformed spirituality of Herman Bavinck’, Calvin Theological Journal, XXXVIII, nr. 2, (November 2003): 248-262

Dinner speech at Second Kuyper Consultation on ‘Theology and Economic Life: Exploring Hidden Links’. Princeton Theological Seminary.


‘A Historian’s Comment on the Use of Abraham Kuyper’s Idea of Sphere Sovereignty’, Proceedings of A Century of Christian Social Teaching: The Legacy of Leo XIII and Abraham Kuyper, in: Journal of Markets and Morality, V, nr. 1, (Spring 2002): 277-284

Abraham Kuyper, South Africa and Apartheid‘. Speech at the opening ceremony of the Abraham Kuyper Institute for Public Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, The Princeton Seminary Bulletin, XXIII, nr. 2, (Spring 2002): 184-187 [off-site]


‘The Early Reception of the Theology of Karl Barth in The Netherlands (1919-1926)’, Zeitschrift Fïr Dialektische Theologie, XVII, 2001, nr. 2, 170-187

‘Henry Dosker, between Albertus C. Van Raalte and Abraham Kuyper’, in: Origins. Historical Magazine of the Archives. Calvin College and Calvin Theological Seminary, XIX, nr. 2, 2001, 34-41

The Reception of the Liberation of 1944 in Christian Reformed Circles, 1944-1946, in: The Dutch Adapting in North America. Papers Presented at the Thirteenth Biennial Conference for the Association for the Advancement of Dutch-American Studies, Grand Rapids, 2001, 27-33


Breaches and Bridges. Reformed Subcultures in the Netherlands, Germany and the United States, George Harinck & Hans Krabbendan (eds.), Amsterdam, 166 pages.

‘Bridging the Breaches: an Introduction’, met Hans Krabbendam, in: Harinck & Krab-bendam, Breaches and Bridges, 9-14

‘The Secession of 1834 as Frame of Reference: H. Bouwman and the Historiography of the Reformed Churches in the Nineteenth Century’, in: Harinck & Krab-bendam, Breaches and Bridges, 141-154

‘Geerhardus Vos as introducer of Kuyper in America’, in: Hans Krabbendam & Larry J. Wagenaar, The Dutch-American Experience: Essays in Honor of Robert. P. Swierenga, Amsterdam, 2000, 242-262


‘A Triumphal Procession? The Reception of Kuyper in the USA (1900-1940)’, in: Cornelis van der Kooi en Jan de Bruijn (ed.), Kuyper reconsidered. Aspects of his life and work, 273-282


G. Puchinger, Abraham Kuyper. His Early Journey of Faith, George Harinck (ed.), Amsterdam, 1998, 32 pages

‘”Give us an American Abraham Kuyper”. Dutch Calvinist Reformed Responses to the Founding of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia’, Calvin Theological Journal, XXIII, nr. 2, (November 1998), 299-319


‘Calvinism Isn’t the Only Truth. Herman Bavinck’s Impressions of the USA’, in: Larry J. Wagenaar and Robert P. Swierenga, The Sesquicentennial of Dutch Immigration: 150 Years of Ethnic Heritage. Proceedings of the 11th Biennial Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Dutch American Studies, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, June 12 and 13, 1997, 151-160


‘Sharing the Reformed Tradition’, met H. Krabbendam, in: George Harinck en Hans Krabbendam, Sharing the Reformed Tradition. The Dutch-North American Exchange, 1846-1996, Amsterdam, 1996, 9-18

”Give us an American Abraham Kuyper’. Dutch Calvinist Reformed Responses to the Founding of Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia’, Calvin Theological Journal, 23 (2) 299-319.

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