Hans Rookmaaker

Henderik ‘Hans’ Roelof Rookmaaker (27 February 1922 – 13 March 1977) was born in The Hauge, The Netherlands. He was introduced to Dooyeweerdian philosophy by J. P. A. Mekkes while in a Stanislau POW camp. He gained by PhD from the Free University in 1959 on Synthetist Art Theories: Genesis and Nature of the Ideas on art of Gauguin and his Circle. It was later republished under the title Gauguin and 19th Century Art Theory by  Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger in 1972. He later became professor of Art History at the Free University (VU), Amsterdam.

He travelled and lectured widely by his influence increased with the publication of Modern Art and the Death of a Culture by IVP in 1970. 

By Rookmaaker

2002-2003. Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker (editor) The Complete Works of Hans R. Rookmaaker (Piquant, 2002/3) details

1. Art, Artists and Gauguin

2. New Orleans Jazz, Mahalia Jackson and the Philosophy of Art

3. The Creative Gift, Dürer, Dada and Desolation Row

4. Western Art and the Meanderings of a Culture

5. Modern Art and the Death of a Culture

6. Our Calling and God’s Hand in History

1981. The Creative Gift : Essays on Art and the Christian Life

1978. Art needs no justification. Leicester: IVP on-line version


Linette Martin 1979. Hans Rookmaaker: A Biography (Hodders)

Laurel Gasque Hans Rookmaaker: An Open Life

A brief bio and description of the Rookmaaker archives held at Wheaton college here.

On Rookmaker
David Bruce Hegeman 2006.  The importance of Hans RookmaakerChristian Renewal

 On Rookmaakker Transpositions series

Artway articles

The Big Picture 3 has several articles on Rookmaaker

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