Bob Goudzwaard

Bob Goudzwaard (1934–2024) was professor emeritus, at the Free University in Amsterdam. He was elected to the Dutch Parliament in the 1970s and served for a time at a Christian policy research institute in The Hague.  He was the author of numerous books including Capitalism and Progress, Hope in Troubled Times and Beyond the Modern Age (with Craig Bartholomew)

Tributes to Goudzwaard:

Chris Gousmett When is enough truly enough?

David Koyzis Where would I be without Bob Goudzwaard?

Bruce Wearne interviews Bob Goudzwaard here [pdf].

Interview with Goudzwaard from 1982 Reformed Perspective

Bruce Wearne (ed.) 2012. Finding an Alternative to Over-Development.  Bristol UK/ Upper Hutt NZ: All of Life Redeemed.

A collection of nine papers by Bob Goudzwaard

Table of Contents

Preface – Putting First What is Given

Economic Theory & the Normative Aspects of Reality

The Global Economy & Climate Change

Underlying Causes of the Global Economic Crisis

Living Faithfully in a Rapidly Changing World

Peeling the Onion

Money, Magic, Greed & the Power of Illusions

A Way Forward: the Financial Crisis, Climate Change & Public Justice for All

Economics, Christianity & the Crisis: Kuyper’s Heritage and Relevance Today

Reformed Christian Economics

A Christian Political Option for Fiji

BG10 – Fiji – 5


Details of Beyond the Modern Age are available here

Annotated Bibliography

Bruce C Wearne Cultivating Care within a Vulnerable Economy: an annotated bibliography of the English writings of Bob Goudzwaard 1967-2008 [pdf  June 2008; 104+ xix pages (approx 1.1 MB)]

A Dutch bibliography from Herman Noordegraaf and Sander Griffioen (eds) Bewogen Realisme: economie, cultuur, oecumene – bij het afscheid van Bob Goudzwaard Kok, Kampen 1999 pp 230-237.[pdf] 

Bibliography compiled by Bruce Wearne


1. “The Christian and Modern Business Enterprise 1” The Guide Oct pp 10-11,14 

2. “The Christian and Modern Business Enterprise 2” The Guide Nov pp 10-11, 14 

3. “The Christian and Modern Business Enterprise 3” The Guide Dec pp 6-7 


4. The Christian and Modern Business Enterprise Ontario CLAC 20 pp 


5. “English Summary” Ongeprijsde schaarste, een onderzoek naar de plaats van expretiale of ongecompenseerde effecten in de theoretische economie en de leer der economische politiek Den Haag, Van Stockum pp. 163-169. 

6. “Incomes and their Distribution” (translation of study paper published in Patrimonium, October 1970) 16 pp. 


7. “Summary” (of “Economie tussen afbraak en doorbraak. Verleden en toekomst van een gesloten wereldbeeld”) Philosophia Reformata 36e Jrg pp. 53-54 

8. “Christian Economics?” Vanguard October/ Nov pp 17-19 

9. “The Choice Between What Is and What Ought to be” Vanguard Dec pp 24-27 


10. A Christian Political Option (trans Herman Praamsma of Grote taak voor kleine mensen : hoofdlijnen voor een evangelisch beleid Antirevolutionaire Partij-Stichting 1969) Toronto, Wedge, 66 pages. 

11. “Income Differentials Adrift” (Translated with an Introduction by Edward Vanderkloet, Christian Labour Association of Canada) February, 16 pages. 

12. “Have our Gods Failed Us?” Vanguard August/ September pp. 8-10,19,23. 

13. Economic Stewardship versus Capitalist Religion – a Series of Seminar Lectures Institute for Christian Studies, Toronto


14. “Religion and Labour” The Guide Oct pp 6-7 


15. “The Dynamic of the Word of God in Economics (1)” The Guide Apr pp 10-14 

16. “The Dynamic of the Word of God in Economics(2)” The Guide May pp 8-13 

17. “Asking Questions – Making Decisions: An Interview with Bob Goudzwaard and Anthony Cramp” Vanguard Sept/Oct pp 14-17 

18. “From Death to Shalom” Vanguard Nov/ Dec pp.


19. “Socioeconomic Life – a Way of Confession” International Reformed Bulletin Winter/Spring 1975 

20. “Calling or Consensus?” The Guide March pp. 8-9 pdf 

21. “Authority abused” Vanguard Apr pp 8-10 

22. “Responsibility in a Changing Society” The Guide Aug/Sept pp 8-10 pdf 

23. “Reply by Dr Goudzwaard” The Guide Aug/Sept p 14 

24. Aid for the Overdeveloped West, Toronto, Wedge Publication. 90 pp 

NOTE This book has 8 chapters with an introduction by Wedge editor Bonnie M Greene. 
Chapter One: “The overdevelopment of the west” is a translated adaptation of a Dutch radio talk. 

Chapter Two: “Our gods have failed us” is a re-publication of Nos 15 and 16 with a new name. It is reprinted at No.37 below. 

Chapter Three: “Socioeconomic life: a way of confession” first appeared as No 19 above and was republished at No. 44 below. 

Chapter Four: “The liberation of the business enterprise” republishes No 4 which was an edited collation of Nos 1, 2 and 3. It is partly republished as “What is Corporate Enterprise” at No. 91 below. 

Chapter Five: “From economic death to shalom” republishes No. 18. 

Chapter Six: “Beyond the happiness of the machine” is a translated adaptation of a talk to a Dutch Christian labour education centre. It republishes “Responsibility in a changing society”, No. 22 above. 

Chapter Seven: “The re-humanized work community” a slightly revised version of No.14. 

Chapter Eight: “Towards a just income distribution” is an edited version of No. 11 written for this volume. 


25. “Economics and Christian Faith – an Interview with Bob Goudzwaard by M de Klijn” (trans by T Plantinga from C Boertien Christenen doorgelicht: vraaggesprekken met C. Boertien, R. Boiten, B. Goudzwaard, J. van der Graaf, H. Rookmaaker, K. Runia en H. van Straelen Stichting Interlektuur 1974) Vanguard Jan/Feb pp 6-9; Mar/Apr pp. 13-16 

26. “Not By Bread Alone” Election Program 1977-1981 Christen Democratisch Appél, Den Haag (translation of “Niet bij brood alleen” by Perry Recker) 110 pages 


27. “Economic Life: a Confession” (1st of 2 parts) The Guide May pp 6-7 

28. “Economic Life: a Confession” (2nd of 2 parts) The Guide June pp 8-10 

29. “Economic Life: a Confession” in Edward Vander Kloet (ed) A Christian Union in Labour’s Wasteland Toronto, Wedge pp 45-58. 

30. “Planning Economic Systems and the Future of our Society” International Reformed Bulletin No 73 pp 18-23 

31. with Johan van Baars “Norms for the International Economic Order” (with responses from Johan D van der Vyver, and James Skillen) in Justice in the International Economic Order Proceedings of the Second International Conference of Reformed Institutions for Christian Higher Education Aug 13-19, 1978 Calvin College pp 223-253. 
Edited excerpts from Part A: A Normative Approach (pp 223-224 & 229-239) are republished at No. 49 below. 


32. “Principles and Political Action” in Christian Political Options Libertas Utrecht, ARP Stichting, pp 64-78 pdf 

33. “Scarcity of Time” Vanguard July-Aug p. 19 pdf 

34. Capitalism and Progress, a Diagnosis of Western Society trans & edited by Josina van Nuis-Zylstra, Grand Rapids Eerdmans/ Toronto Wedge 270 pp [off-site]


35. Towards Reformation in Economics, Syllabus distributed by Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship, Toronto: ICS. 57 pages.

36. Types of Government Economic Policy Association for the Advancement of Christian Scholarship, Toronto: ICS, 15 pages. 

For other copies available see below No. 58. 


37. “Our gods have failed us” in William A Harper and Theodore R Malloch eds Where Are We Now? The State of Christian Political Reflection Washington, University Press of America pp 212-226. This is a republication of the chapter by the same name in No 24 (Chapter Two) which republished under a new name articles Nos 15 and 16. [available for loan via]


38. Idols of Our Time Foreword Howard Snyder ed Mark Vander Vennen. Intervarsity Press, Downers Grove, 114 pages. [Available for laon from]




39. How I wish North American evangelicals would influence US foreign policy in EuropeTransformation 2 (3) (1985) pp. 24-25. [off site]


40. “Christian Social Thought in the Dutch Neo-Calvinist Tradition” in Walter Blok and Irving Hexham, eds Religion, Economics and Social Thought: Proceedings of an International Conference Vancouver: FraserInstitute, pp 251-65. 


41. Centrally planned economies: strengths, weaknesses and the future Transformation 4 (3-4) (1987): 54-59.[off site] 

42. “Creation management: the economics of earth stewardship,” Epiphany Journal , 8 (Fall) pp. 37-45(Winter) 67-72


43. with H M de Lange “Review of Ulrich Duchrow Global Economy: a Confessional Issue for the Churches? Geneva WCC 1987 and Charles Elliott Comfortable Compassion? Poverty, Power and the Church London Hodder and Stoughton 1987” in Ecumenical Review 40:2 April pp. 292-294. 

44. “Socioeconomic Life: a Way of Confession” in Economics: a Matter of Faith – CCPD Documents: Justice and Development July 1988 No. 11 WCC Geneva, pp 63-71. 
This is a republication of Chapter 3 from No. 24 above. It was initially published as No. 19. 


45. “World Poverty – A Contribution” in World Poverty, Responsibilities of Churches and Christians, from the Minutes of 40th Meeting of the Central Committee of the World Council of Churches, Moscow 21 July, pp 24-36. 

46. “Why poverty grows” One World 150 (Nov) pp 7-9. 
This article is an abridged re-publication of “World Poverty – A Contribution” No. 45 above. 


47. (contributor to project which devised the) “Oxford Declaration on Christian Faith and Economics” January 4-9 [off-site]

A revised and edited version of Goudzwaard’s contribution can be found at No. 85, Economic Growth: Is More Always Better?, published by the University of Wales Press in Donald A Hay and Alan Kreider eds Christianity and the Culture of Economics, Cardiff 2001. 

48. “Case Study: The Netherlands” in Rainbows in a Fallen World, IAPCHE, Dordt College Press, Sioux Center pp 238-248. 


49. “Christian Politics in a Global Context” in James W Skillen and Rockne M McCarthy eds Political Order and the Plural Structure of Society Scholars Press, Atlanta pp. 335-354.  © 1991 Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Reprinted by permission of the publisher, all rights reserved.


50. “Second Christian Social Congress in the Netherlands: 100 Years Later” Public Justice Report February p. 3 [off-site]

51. “Freedom and justice: evangelical responsibilities in politics and the economy” Epworth Review 19 (3) pp 24-31. 

52. “Economics and Theology” One World 176 pp 15-17 


53.Economic Life: A Confession” in Windows on Business Ethics; a Challenge to ChristiansPotchefstroom: PUCHE pp. 102-114 
Republshes No. 29 (articles Nos. 27 & 28) 


54. “Introductory Statement by the Moderator” at Kairos Europa consultation Brussels, European Parliament, June 27.

55. “Poverty and the Dynamics of Responsibility” Public Justice Report July-August p.2 [off-site]
See also here . This is the published abstract which was available for those attending the conference. 


56. with Harry de Lange Beyond Poverty and Affluence: Toward an Economy of Care, foreword by Maurice Strong, translated and edited by Mark Vander Vennen, Eerdmans Grand Rapids/ WCC Geneva (originally published as Genoeg van te Veel, Geneog van to Weinig: Wissels omzetten in de economie 1986 Ten Have, Baarn, 3rd edition 1991). 

57. Beyond Poverty and Affluence: Towards a Canadian Economy of Care, foreword by Maurice F Strong, translated and edited by Mark Vander Vennen, University of Toronto Press (originally published as Genoeg van te Veel, Geneog van to Weinig: Wissels omzetten in de economie 1986 Ten Have, Baarn, the Netherlands 3rd edition 1991). 

58. “Types of Government Economic Policy” in Confessing Christ In Doing Politics, Essays on Christian Political Thought and Action Orientation IRS Potchefstroom pp 541- 560 
This is a reprint of No. 36 above.

59. “Making Sense of Post-Modernity” Contribution to a Seminar of the Evangelical Alliance on Post-Modernity, London. 


60. “Who cares? An Outsider’s Contribution to the American Debate on Poverty and Welfare” in: Stanley Carlson Thies & James W Skillen eds, Welfare in America, Christian Perspectives on a Policy in CrisisEerdmans Grand Rapids pp 49-80 
See 55 above. This was the published abstract which was available for those attending the conference. © 1996 Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Reprinted by permission of the publisher, all rights reserved.

61. “Toward a European Economy of Care” in Alastair Hulbert (ed) Towards an Economy of Care and Compassion, Occasional Paper 3 of the Ecumenical Association for Church and Society (EECS) Brussels pp. 5-12. 

62. “Do the ends justify the means?” in Christianity and Democracy in South Africa IRS, Potchefstroom pp 179-198 pdf 

63. “Globalization” in Metanoia, vol 6, 3 Prague, pp 92-103. 
This is subtitled: an analysis presented at WARC consultation on “Reformed Church and Economic Justice” (11-17 May 1996, Geneva). See Nos. 65 and 75 below. 

64.“An Economy of care – two views” in Compass, A Jesuit Journal Nov 1996 pp 6-10 (with David Olive) [off-site]

65. “Globalization, exclusion, enslavement” in: Reformed World (World Alliance of Reformed Churches) vol. 46, p 99-108.  [off-site]

66. “Europe at crossroads, a new challenge for Christian Higher Education” in Christians and Higher Education in Eastern Europe, Proceedings of the 1993 Debrecen Regional Conference of IAPCHE, Sioux Center, Dordt College Press, pp 42-50 

67. “Toward an Economy of Caring and Sharing”, Lecture for Seminar on Alternative Economics in the Global Market Era, Petra University, Surabaya 

68. “Christianity and Economics” Lecture for NICE Shaping the Christian Mind Scholarly Conference Sydney August 1996 


69. Preface to New EditionCapitalism and Progress: A Diagnosis of Western Society in The Classics Library, Carlisle: Paternoster pp. xvii-xix. 

70. “Towards a Future of Care” in: Ian Lambert and Suzanne Mitchell eds The Crumbling Walls of Certainty Sydney, Centre for the Study of Australian Christianity pp 40-49 

71. “Mission in Western Culture, in Specific Relationship to Economic Life”

72. “Christianity and Economics” in Signposts of God’s Liberating Kingdom: Perspectives for the 21st Century Vol. I IRS Potchefstroom pp 229-240 [off-site]

73. “Taking more than our share” with Stanley Yntema, Todd Wagenmaker, Neal Berghoef, Thomas C Huissen & Tom Bulten Banner Oct pp 16-19. 

74. “Economic Justice as a Matter of Confession” Public Justice Report November-December p.2 


75. “Spirals of life and death: the future of the global economy” Perspectives: a Journal of Reformed Thought 13 (3) pp 15-18
This was a republication of Nos. 63 and 65 above. 

76. “Globalization, Regionalization and Sphere-Sovereignty” Lecture for the Conference Commemorating the Contribution of Abraham Kuyper, Princeton University. © 1998 Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, and is made available here with permission of the publisher, all rights reserved.

77. “Faith, Justice and Economics – Vision for a New Millenium” Stanley Stuber Lecture series, Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, April 21, 23. 
It is hoped to have an on-line copy of these lectures, as subsequently published in articles of the American Baptist Quarterly available by June 2008.see No. 86 “The Global Market: Enclosure and Exclusion Today” (April 21) and No. 87 “Reclaiming our Future: the Vision of Jubilee” (April 23) below

78. “Faith, the Economy and People Movements in the Era of Globalization: The Role of Churches and Non-Governmental Organizations” Silver Jubilee YBKS (Yayasan Bimbingan Kesajahterann Sosial – Social Welfare Guidance Foundation), Yogjakarta, Indonesia. 

79. “Wake Up – Breaking the Hypnosis of our Age” Public Justice Report 4th Quarter, pp. 6-7 
This is an excerpt from the 1999 Kuyper Lecture Globalization and the Kingdom of God (see No. 84 below). 


80. “Perspectives of Christian Higher Education: the Social Sciences in Natalia Pecherskaya ed Higher Education in XXIst Century Russian Culture: A Christian Perspective SRPH St Petersburg 2000

81. with André Droogers, “The Global and the Local: Community-based Culture and Economic Justice” in Lambert Zuidervaart & Hendrik Luttikhuizen (eds) The Arts, Community and Cultural Democracy London MacMillan pp 40 –7. 
It is hoped to have an on-line copy of this article available by June 2008. 

82. “Globalization, Regionalization and Sphere-Sovereignty” in Luis E Lugo Religion, Pluralism and Public Life: Abraham Kuyper’s Legacy for the Twenty-First Century Eerdmans, Grand Rapids pp. 325-341. 
See No. 76 above. This is an edited version of the lecture. It is hoped to have an on-line copy of this chapter available by June 2008. 


83. with Aad Vlot, “We Are People of the Way: an Impression of the Final Session of the Conference” (Cultures and Christianity AD 2000), 21-25 August 2000 in Philosophia Reformata 66 (1) pp 142-152 

84. Globalization and the Kingdom of God (Kuyper-Lecture 1999) ed James W Skillen, Center for Public Justice/ Baker Books, Washington DC and Grand Rapids. 
A summary is found here  [off-site]

85. “Economic growth – is more always better?” in Donald Hay & Alan Kreider eds, Christianity and the Culture of Economics. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp 153-166 

86. “The Global Market: Enclosure and Exclusion today” American Baptist Quarterly Volume XX: 2 June pp. 169-178  [off site]

87. “Reclaiming our Future, the Vision of Jubilee“, American Baptist Quarterly Volume XX: 2 June pp. 179-90 [offsite]

88. “A Reaction to Mr Novak’s contribution” Symposium on Leo XIII and Abraham Kuyper, Calvin College, October. 
“A Century of Christian Social Teaching: The Legacy of Leo XIII and Abraham Kuyper” symposium was co-sponsored by Calvin Seminary and the Acton Institute. Some of the papers are available in Markets and Morality

89. “Reflections on the Budapest Conference” Ecumenical Review 53:4 October pp 512-517 
Found at . The site contains articles from The Ecumenical Review


90. “Ethical Dimensions of a Globalising Economy” in Fritz Erich Anhelm (Hg) Gerechtigkeit oder die Frage nach gerechten Beziehungen, Die Okumenische Bewegung im Prozess der Globalisierung Tagung zu Ehren Philip Potters, (Justice as Right Relationships: the Ecumenical Movement in the Process of Globalization: Conference in Honour of Philip Potter, 2nd Sept, 2001) Evangelische Akademie Loccum, 53/01, pp 49-61.

91. “What is Corporate Enterprise” Public Justice Report 2nd Quarter p. 11
This is the second of a PJR series on business. It is an edited excerpt from No. 24, Chapter 4 “The Liberation of the Business Enterprise” pp. 44, 45, 41, 46, 47. 

92. with Julio de Santa Ana, “Globalization and Modernity” in Ninan Koshy ed. Globalization: the Imperial Thrust of Modernity, Vikas Adhyayan Kendra, Mumbai India, pp 1–33. 

93. “And now the North” Semper Reformanda Update 10/2 June [off-site]
This brief report of the response of the Dutch Minister for Development Co-operation to the Jubilee 2000 campaign refers to a “Message to Churches in the North” which is also reproduced in No. 94 below pp. 23-25.


94. with Leo Andringa as Contributing Editors, “Globalization and Christian Hope: Economy in the Service of Life” published in anticipation of the Ecumenical Conference of Western European Churches in Soesterberg, The Netherlands. Trans Mark Vander Vennen, 41 pp Public Justice Resource Centre, Toronto. February 2003. [off site] 

95. “Freedom, Control and International Justice” in “American Strategy, Iraq, and the United Nations – Readers Respond” Public Justice Report [off-site]

96. “The Churches Witness in Today’s World” in Our International Task Today 50th Anniversary of the John Knox Center, John Knox Series nr 15, Geneva, pp 7–17
An edited version of this lecture is here 

97. “Enrichment , Impoverishment and the Power of Exclusion” Contribution to the CLAI Consultation, April-May 1, 2003 Buenos Aires 

98. “Sketch of Structural Violence in the Modern Globalizing Economy”, Seminar on Global Violence, Wuppertal, Germany June 2003 

99. Christians in Resistance to the Neoliberal Culture of War” paper for Second International Consultation of the Christian Peace Conference, Zürich 

100. “Seven Building Stones” (Closing remarks from the Chair) International Monetary Fund and World Bank consultation with World Council of Churches, Washington 11-12 September. 


101.“A Journey for Life – from Kitwe to Debrecen”

102.“New Horizons for Economic Reflection”, Contribution to the Focolare Conference on the Economy of Community, September 10-14, Rome.
Also available here. [off-site]

103. “Two Reflections on Bible and Economy”, Geneva. 


104. Awakening Hope” an interview Fiji Daily Post October 27,28,30 also posted at Sight Magazine [off-site]


105. with Julio de Santa Ana, “Stating the Problem” and “The Modern Roots of Economic Globalization” in Julio de Santa Ana, Beyond Idealism, A Way Ahead for Ecumenical Social Ethics, Grand Rapids, Eerdmans pp 3-16 & 91-125. [available for loan via] 

106. What Kind of Christianity in Present-Day Europe? Presentation to International Workshop Christian Politics in Europe: An Uneasy Relationship? organised by Universitair Centrum Sint Ignatius, Antwerp April 27-28. 

107. “Globalisation , Economic Theory and the Role of Modernity, lecture on the occasion of the 40th anniversary celebrations, Faculty of Economics, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico 

108. The Global Economy and Climate Change December 1, WYSOCS, Leeds UK. 


109. with Mark Vander Vennen, and David Van Heemst Hope in Troubled Times: A New Vision for Confronting Global Crises Foreword by Bishop Desmond Tutu. Grand Rapids, Baker. Details

110. “Is There Any Reason to Hope? Introducing a New Book” Public Justice Report 3rd Quarter 30.3 [off-site]
This article features excerpts from No. 109. 

111. The Gospel and Global Climate Change” (with Mark Vander Vennen) Hope in Troubled Times Worldview Conference, ICS, Toronto District Christian High School, Oct 13th 

112. Globalization, Climate Change, and the Modern World-and-Life-View Lamblight Lectures of the Geneva Society, Trinity Western University, 23rd October, Langley BC.


113. “Economic theory and the normative aspects of reality” (Translation of 1961 ‘De economische theorie en de normative aspected der werklijkheid in Perspectief (Kampden: J H Kok))

114. “Market, money, capital” with Rob van Drimmelen (this was a joint research paper produced for a WCC project convened to reassess social ethics 1999-2001)

A Note about the Credit Crunch, Climate Change and Environmental Responsibility

Empire Remixed 8 October 201. [off site]


Underlying causes of the global economic crisis Paper presented at a day conference organised by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland ( [off site]

A paper God Sojouners magazine (June)

A Christian-social perspective on the global economy. Lecture for the annual meeting of the ECPM, Bern 2009 [off site]


With Mark Vandervennen “Global Problems: The Lost Dimension” The Other Journal


A rapidly changing world. (Extracts from a speech given to the AGM of CPJ.

  Part I

  Part II 

  Part III 

Money, Magic, Greed and the power of illusions. Catherwood Lecture Belfast, 2011


Bruce Wearne (ed.) 2012. Finding an Alternative to Over-Development.  Bristol UK/ Upper Hutt NZ: All of Life Redeemed.

A collection of nine papers by Bob Goudzwaard

  • Table of Contents
  • Preface – Putting First What is Given
  • Economic Theory & the Normative Aspects of Reality
  • The Global Economy & Climate Change
  • Underlying Causes of the Global Economic Crisis
  • Living Faithfully in a Rapidly Changing World
  • Peeling the Onion
  • Money, Magic, Greed & the Power of Illusions
  • A Way Forward: the Financial Crisis, Climate Change & Public Justice for All
  • Economics, Christianity & the Crisis: Kuyper’s Heritage and Relevance Today
  • Reformed Christian Economics


Economics, Christianity And The Crisis: Kuyper’s Heritage And Relevance Today Philosophia Reformata 78(2): 95-101 


‘Goals, ways and the roots of our economic crisis’Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 79(1), Art. #2158, 7 pages. http:// v79i1.2158


With Craig Bartholomew Beyond the Modern Age: An Archaeology of Contemporary Culture. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press. ISBN 978-0-8308-5151-5 Details

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