Art & Aesthetics

  See Artway’s list of suggested readings here

Craig Bartholomew 1994. “’Dominion’ as a Key to Understanding Art,” in Venster op Die Kunste: Christelike Perspektiewe/ A Window on the Arts: Christian Perspectives (Potchefstroom: IRS, 1994), 41-57.

Graham Birtwistle

Hilary Brand and Adrienne Dengerink Art and Soul: Signposts for Christians in the Arts Piquant, 2001.

Adrienne [Dengerink] Chaplin , ‘Past the Post: Post-modernist Art and Beyond,’ Third Way (March 1988) 14-16

Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin ‘What’s the point?’ Summer reading and the arts Comment 2007.

Adrienne Dengerink Chaplin  The Philosophy of Susanne Langer: Embodied Meaning in Logic, Art and Feeling Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.

William Dryness Visual Faith: Art, Theology, and Worship in Dialogue. Baker Academic, 2001.

Geoff Hall [website]

     All published by Upptacka Press and available here.

Nigel Halliday [website] ‘Christians and the arts‘ Affinity Bulletin (March)

Roger D. Henderson and Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker The Artistic SphereThe Arts in Neo-Calvinist Perspective. Downers Grove: IVP.

Abraham Kuyper ‘Calvinism and art’ in Lectures on Calvinism. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

Nancy Pearcey Saving Leonardo. B&H, 2010.

James Romaine (editor) Art as Spiritual Perception: Essays in Honor of E. John Walford Crossway, 2012.

Hans Rookmaaker

Art Needs no Justification (IVP, 1978) on-line version

Modern Art and the Death of a Culture (IVP, 1970)

Marleen Hengelaar-Rookmaaker (editor) The Complete Works of Hans R. Rookmaaker (Piquant, 2002/3) vols 1-6:

1. Art, Artists and Gauguin
2. New Orleans Jazz, Mahalia Jackson and the Philosophy of Art
3. The Creative Gift, Dürer, Dada and Desolation Row
4. Western Art and the Meanderings of a Culture
5. Modern Art and the Death of a Culture
6. Our Calling and God’s Hand in History

       On Rookmaakker Transpositions series

Anne Roberts Outside the frame: Postmodern artCambridge Papers 20 (2) June 2011.

Duncan Roper

The gospel, art and aesthetic theory‘. Issues Number 6, November 1990.

Aesthetics, art and education: a Christian look at art‘ (1980) [pdf] No Icing on the Cake: Christian Foundations for Education (ed. Jack Mechielsen) (Brookes-Hall Publishing Foundation, 1980)

Aesthetics, art and education: consequences for curriculum‘ (1980) [pdf] No Icing on the Cake: Christian Foundations for Education (ed. Jack Mechielsen) (Brookes-Hall Publishing Foundation, 1980)

‘A Christian Look at Educating Art & Aesthetics’ (Sept 1978) [pdf]

Richard and Janice Russell ‘The darkening West: a study in contemporary art and philosophy’ (available from CSU here.)

Philip Graham Ryken Art for God’s Sake, A Call to Recover the Arts. Presbyterian and Reformed, 2012.

Francis Schaeffer Art and the Bible. IVP, 1973.

Calvin Seerveld

Seerveld’s books are available from Tuppence Press (in North America) and the Christian Studies Unit (in the UK) and Piquant (in the UK)

Rainbows for a Fallen World. Toronto: Tuppence Press, 2005

Bearing Fresh Olive Leaves: Alternative Steps in Understanding Art Piquant 2000.

The gift of artistry – God’s clothing for human life

On Seerveld:

Gregory Baus Seerveld’s Hineinlebenshaltung
Lambert Zuidervaart and Hernry Luttikhuizen eds., Pledges of Jubilee. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1995

Nathan Jacobs and Calvin Seerveld 2009 “How Should Christians be Stewards of Art?” Journal of Markets & Morality 12 (2)  369- 398. Daniel SidellGod in the Gallery: A Christian Embrace of Modern Art. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2008.

Peter Smith ‘Making paintings’. In Tim Dean and David Porter (editors) Art in Question, Marshall Pickering, 1987.

David Thislethwaite The Art of God and the Religions of Art
[available at the link from the author]

E. John Walford

John Wilson One of the Richest Gifts. Handsell Press, 1981.

Margaret Wilson ‘A Window upon the world: Engaging with painting’ Cambridge Papers 11(3) September 2002.

Margaret Wilson ‘The window is closed: Engaging with early to mid-twentieth-century painting’ Cambridge Papers 16 (3) September 2007.

Lambert Zuidervaart, Art in Public: Politics, Economics, and a Democratic Culture. Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Lambert Zuidervaart, Artistic Truth: Aesthetics, Discourse, and Imaginative Disclosure. Cambridge University Press, 2009.

Lambert Zuidervaart and Henry Luttikhuizen, eds., The Arts, Community and Cultural Democracy (St. Martin’s, 2000).

Many of these books if they are in print are available from Byron Borger’s Hearts & Minds Bookstore in the USA. See also his list of books for the creative arts.

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