Physical sciences

The resources listed here are only those written from a neo-Calvinist/ Kuyperian perspective.

Philosophia Reformata articles can be accessed from here (from 1947-1992) and here (from 1993)

Steve Bishop

1993. Science and faith: boa constructors and warthogs Themelios 19(1), 4-9. (PDF)

1993. with J. Carpenter ‘Constructivism: an introduction and critique‘ Spectrum 25(2), 147-158.

1994. Introductory resource for the interaction of science and Christianity Themelios 19(1), 16-20.

1995. with J Carpenter ‘Process science?‘ Spectrum 27 (1).

1998. The Relationship of Science and Religion: A Study of the Writings of Revd Dr John Polkinghorne, FRS MA Applied Theology Dissertation Trinity College, Bristol. DOC.

2000. ‘A typology for science and religion’ Evangelical Quarterly  (PDF)

W. Brouwer 1977. ‘Christian commitment and scientific theories’, Toronto: ICS (mimeo)

Roy Clouser

2009. “A New Philosophical Guide for the Sciences: Ontology Without Reduction” The Global Spiral (Journal of the Metanexus Institute) Vol. 1

2008. Is belief in God made obsolete by science?

2006. Prospects for Theistic SciencePerspectives on Science and Christian Faith, March

Halvorson, Hans. Comments on Clouser Claims for Theistic SciencePSCF 58:1.
Le Morvan, Pierre. Clouser’s Definition of Religious Belief Itself Religiously Neutral PSCF 58:1
Ratzsch, Del. On Reducing Nearly Everything to Reductionism,PSCF 58: 1
Clouser, Roy Replies to the Comments of Le Morvan, Halvorson, and Ratzsch on Prospects for Theistic Science
Clouser, Roy. Author’s Reply to Two Letters Regarding Prospects for Theistic Science (PSCF 58, no. 1 [2006]: 2-15; PSCF 58, no. 3 [2006]: 253-4; and PSCF 58, no. 3 [2006]: 254-5), 58:4, 333, D 2006.

2005 (rev edn). ‘Theories in Physics’ The Myth of Religious Neutrality, University of Notre Dame press, ch 8.

1995. The Uniqueness of Dooyeweerd’s Program for Philosophy and Science: Whence the Difference? In Christian Philosophy at the Close of the 20th Century, Ed. Griffoen & Balk, Netherlands: Kampen, Kok, 113-125.

1996. A Sketch of Dooyeweerd’s Philosophy of Science. In Facets of Faith and Science, Ed. J. Van der Meer, Lanham: University Press of America, vol. 2, 81-98. 

Renato Coletto

2007. Presuppositions and the challenge to objectivity in late-modern philosophy of science: causes and possible remedies. Koers, 72(4), 583-602.

2007. Science and belief: a few historical remarks from a reformational point of view. Woord en daad/ Word and action, 47(1/autumn, n. 399), 12-16.

2008. The “eclipse” of the object of research in late-modern philosophy of science: causes and possible remedies. Tydskrif vir christelike wetenskap/ Journal for Christian Scholarship, 44(1-2), 19-38.

2011. Science and non-science: the search for a demarcation criterion in the 20th century. Tydskrifvir christelike wetenskap/ Journal for Christian Scholarship

Herman Dooyeweerd 1954. The Secularization of Science, Memphis: Christian Studies Center (translated by R Knudsen) (PDF)

J H Diemer 1933. ‘Christ and modern natural science‘  Calvinistische Studenten Bladen, Vol. 2, (1933) no 3-8; Vol.3, (1933) no. 2-3.

Edward Fackerell 2008. “Designer Universe?” Issues  82 (March)    

E. L. Hebden Taylor 1968. The Reformation and the development of modern science‘. Churchman vol 82 (2), 87-103.

Arthur Jones (ed.) 1998. Science in Faith: A Christian Perspective on Teaching Science, Christian Schools’ Trust.

Reijer Hooykaas. 1972. Religion and the Rise of Modern Science, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

Robert Knudsen

1954. ‘The Idea of Christian Scientific Endeavor in the Thought of Herman Dooyeweerd.’ Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, VI (2) (June), 8–12.

1957. ‘Crisis of Science.’ Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation 9(2) (June, 1957), 19–20.

1979. ‘Dooyeweerd’s Doctrine of Science.’ Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, XXXI, No 4 (December), 209–213.

Thomas H. Leith

1985. ‘Faith and scientific theory’ Toronto: ICS, 1985 (mimeo)

1958. Some Thoughts on a Christian Philosophy of ScienceJASA10.2:14-16 (6/1958)

1967. Leith’s LawJASA19 (2), 62-63 (6/1967)

1972. Notes on the Predispositions of Scientific Thought and PracticeJASA24.2:51-57 (6/1972)

1973.Galileo and the Church: Tensions with a Message for Today, Part IJASA25.1:21-24 (3/1973)

1973. Galileo and the Church: Tensions with a Message for Today,JASA25.2:64-66 (6/1973)

1973.      Galileo and the Church: Tensions with a Message for Today, Part 3JASA25.3:111-113 (9/1973)

1973.Galileo and the Church: Tensions with a Message for Today, Part 4JASA25.4:154-157 (12/1973)

1980.      Explanation, Testability, and the Theory of Evolution Part IIJASA32.3:156-163 (9/1980)

1959.  The Need for an Evangelical Philosophy of ScienceJASA11.4:3-13 (12/1959)

1964 Modern Scientific CosmogoniesJASA16.3:73-81 (9/1964)

1965 Some Presuppositions in the Philosophy of ScienceJASA17.1:8-15 (3/1965)

1965. Some Logical Problems with the Thesis of Apparent AgeJASA17.4:118-122 (12/1965)

1966. re. ‘Some Logical Problems with the Thesis of Apparent Age’JASA18.2:63-63 (6/1966)

1980.  Explanation, Testability, and the Theory of Evolution (Part 1)JASA32.1:13-18 (3/1980)

Russell W. Maatman

1974. ‘The antithesis in physical science‘, Pro Rege vol. 3 (Dec), 6-9. 

1977. The Unity in Creation JASA 29 (2), 52-55

1978. Unity in Creation, Dordt College Press

1985. Chemistry a Gift from God, Dordt College Press

1994. The Galileo Incident PSCF 46 (3),179-182

1996.  Chemistry, a gift of God PSCF 38 (4), 232-236

Russell W. Maatman and Gerald Bakker 1971, ‘Contrasting teaching approaches to the sciences‘ ed. Donald Oppewal A Calvin College Monograph html version

Pamela McKenzie (ed.) 1997. ‘Science’ in Entry Points for Christian Reflection within Education London: Care for Education,  ch 8.

Tim Morris and Don Petcher 2006.  Science and Grace: God’s Reign in the Natural Sciences. Crossway. My review here

Fredrika G. Oosterhoff 2002.  “Faith and Science in the Reformed Tradition” Clarion, v. 51 (4), 84-87

Nancy Pearcey and Charles Thaxton 1994.  The Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural Philosophy, Crossway Books.

Donald  Petcher

2000. Toward a Covenant Theology of Science (pdf)

1996.  “The interplay between science and belief: A case study in modern physics”, in J.M. van der Meer, ed., Facets of Faith and Science. Volume 2: The Role of Beliefs in Mathematics and the Natural Sciences: An Augustinian Perspective, Lanham: The Pascal Centre for Advanced Studies in Faith and Science/University Press of America, 257-70.

Vern Poythress 2006. Redeeming ScienceGod-Centred Approach,  Crossway  [PDF]

Del Ratzsch

2000. Science and Its Limits: The Natural Sciences in Christian Perspective. 2nd ed. Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 2000.
2010. “The Nature of Science: past and present conceptions” (pp. 39-58), “The Religious Roots of Science: what science owes to theology” (pp. 59-82), and “The Alleged Demise of Religion: greatly exaggerated reports from the science-religion ‘wars’” (pp. 83-107), in Melville Y. Stewart (Eds.), Science and Religion in Dialogue (Blackwell, 2010).
2009. “Science and Religion,” Chapter 3, pp. 54-77 in Flint, Thomas and Rea, Michael (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Theology (NY: Oxford, 2009).
1992. “Abraham Kuyper’s Philosophy of Science”. Calvin Theological Journal. 27:

Martin A. Rice Jr. 2000. What is a science? in Contemporary Reflections on the Philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd ed. D. F. M. Strauss and M. Botting, Edwin Mellen Press.

Arnold Sikkema

1998. Review of M.D. Stafleu, Time and Again: A Systematic Analysis of the Foundations of Physics (Wedge Publishing Foundation, 1980), written in 1998, and unpublished except on the internet

2001. “Death of the Watchmaker: Modern Science and the Providence of God”, Chapter 5 (pp. 97-108) of Hans Boersma, ed., Living in the LambLight: Christianity and Contemporary Challenges to the Gospel (Vancouver: Regent College Publishing, 2001) (available online here).

2001. “Science: A Cultural Activity”, Reformed Perspective 20:3 (January 2001) 28-9 (available online here). 

2002. “Grounds for Optimism about Science”, Pro Rege 30:4 (June 2002) 18-19 (available online here or here

2005. A physicist’s reformed critique of nonreductive physicalism and emergence Pro Rege vol. 33 (June), 20-32. 

2007.  ‘Laws of nature and God’s world for creation’ Fideles 2 (2007) pp.27-43

2009. “Chaos Theory”, entry in Heidi A. Campbell and Heather Looy, eds., A Science and Religion Primer (Baker Academic, 2009), pp. 59-60.

2009.”Quantum Theory”, entry in Heidi A. Campbell and Heather Looy, eds., A Science and Religion Primer (Baker Academic, 2009), pp. 183-185. 

2011. “Nuancing the place and purpose of the physical aspect in biology and emergence”, International Journal of Multi Aspectual Practicev. 1 (May 2011), pp. 29-39.

Danie. F. M. Strauss

1995. The Significance of Dooyeweerd’s Philosophy for the Modern Natural Sciences, in: Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century, Assessment and Perspective, eds. S. Griffioen & Balk, M., Publisher Kok Kampen, 1995 (ISBN 90-242-2305-9), (pp.127-138).

2001. Does it make sense to distinguish between the natural sciences and the humanities? in: Journal for Christian Scholarship, Year 37, 1ste en 2nd Quarter, 2001, pp.25-36.

2001. The Effect of Ultimate Commitments on the Content of the Natural Sciences – with special Reference to Biology as a Discipline, in: Journal for Christian Scholarship, Year 37, 3de en 4th Quarter, 2001, pp.89-105.

2001. Paradigms in Mathematics, Physics and Biology their Philosophical Roots (Bloemfontein: Tekskor BK, 2001) 

2004. Christianity and Islam – the development of modern science and the genesis of the modern (just) state. Acta Theologica. Volume 24, No.1, June 2004, pp.168-185.
Are the Natural Sciences Free from Philosophical Presuppositions? Philosophia Reformata, Year 46, nr.1 (pp.1-13).

2009. Philosophy: Discipline of the Disciplines (Grand Rapids: Paiedia Press, 2009)

M.D. Stafleu

1966. ‘Quantum physics and the philosophy of the cosmonomic idea‘ (translated by H. Kiefte from ‘Quantumfysica en wijsbegeerte der wetsidee’ Philosophia Reformata 31 (1966) 126

1970. ‘Analysis of time in modern physics’, Philosophia Reformata 35: 1-24, 119-131.

1972. ‘Metric and measurement in physics’, Philosophia Reformata 37: 42-57.

1978. ‘The mathematical and technical opening up of a field of science’, Philosophia Reformata 43: 18-37.

1979. ‘The isolation of a field of science’, Philosophia Reformata 44: 1-15.

1980. ‘The opening up of a field of science by abstraction and synthesis’, Philosophia Reformata 45: 47-76.

1980. Time and again, A systematic analysis of the foundations of physics, Toronto: Wedge; Bloemfontein: Sacum. [chapter 1]

1981. ‘Theories as logically qualified artefacts I’, Philosophia Reformata 46: 164-189.

1982. ‘Theories as logically qualified artefacts II’, Philosophia Reformata 47: 20-40.

1983. ‘Kritische studie: Popper’s Postscript (I)’, Philosophia Reformata 48: 50-65.

1984. ‘Kritische studie: Popper’s Postscript (II)’, Philosophia Reformata 49: 71-91.

1984. ‘The kind of motion we call heat’, Tydskrif vir christelike wetenskap 20: 1-43.

1985. ‘Spatial things and kinematic events (On the reality of mathematically qualified structures of individuality)’, Philosophia Reformata 50: 9-20.

1986. ‘Some problems of time – some facts of life’, Philosophia Reformata 51: 67-82.

1987. Theories at work, On the structure and functioning of theories in science, in particular during the Copernican revolution, Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America.

1988, ‘Criteria for a law sphere (with special emphasis on the ‘psychic’ modal aspect)’, Philosophia Reformata 53: 171-186.

1991. ‘Being human in the cosmos’, Philosophia Reformata 56: 101-131. 

1995, ‘The cosmochronological idea in natural science’, in: S. Griffioen, B.M. Balk (eds.), Christian philosophy at the close of the twentieth century, Kampen: Kok, 93-111.

2001. A World full of Relations

2006. Relations and Characters in Protestant Philosophy

Wytse Van Dijk 1977. ‘Certainty and chance in the physical sciences‘, Pro Rege vol. 5 (June), 9-16.

H. van den Laan 1966. A Christian Appreciation of Physical Science Christian Perspectives 1966 (ARSS, 1966)

Robert vander Vennen nd.  ‘Reflections on Christianity and chemistry’Toronto: ICS, nd (mimeo)

Hendrik Van Riessen

1960. The Relation of the Bible to Science Christian Perspectives 1960 Pella Publishing: Pella, Iowa, 3-54.

1973. “Science Between Presuppositions and Decisions”. Philosophia Reformata 38, 114-126.

1966. The Christian Approach to Science, Hamilton, Association for Reformed Scientific Studies.

John Zwart 2009. “Science and John Calvin: A Review Essay”, Pro Rege 38 (1),  27-31 – link blog alt

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