Egbert Schuurman

Egbert Schuurman 
(1937 – )  a professor of Reformational philosophy at the Universities of Delft and Eindhoven and at the Agricultural University of Waneningen in the Netherlands. He is also a member of the Senate of the Dutch parliament 1983-2011). He was leader of the Christian Union party (2001-2011).

He studied under Dooyeweerd and Van Riessen at the Free University in Amsterdam.

His book, The Technological World Picture and an Ethics of Responsibility (Dordt Press, 2005), is available here.

His most recent book, a compilation of work stemming from 1974 to 2023, Technology and Christianity: Essays on the Interface is published by Wordbridge, details are here.

Works in English

Schuurman, Egbert. 1976. “Technology in Christian-Philosophical Perspective—Blessing or Curse? International Reformed Bulletin 19, no. 4: 10–18.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1977, 1983. Reflections on the Technological Society. Toronto: Wedge Pub. Also translated into Korean and Japanese.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1978. “The Scientification of Modern Culture”, Philosophia Reformata 42: 38–48.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1979. Technology in a Christian-philosophical perspective (ICS – republished in (1984)) [pdf]

Schuurman, Egbert. 1980. Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge. Toronto: Wedge Pub. Translated by H.D. Morton.

Originally published (1972) as “Techniek en Toekomst: Confrontatie met wijsgerige beschouwingen”. Assen: Van Gorcum. Also translated into Chinese and partly into Korean.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1980. “Road to Tomorrow: Responsible Thought and Action,” Christian Educators Journal 19, no. 4: 8–21.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1980. “Futurology or eschatology,” Vanguard 10, no. 1: 8–11.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1980. “Creation and Science: Fundamental Questions Concerning Evolutionism and Creationism,” Theological Forum (RES) 8, no. 2: 1–10.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1980. “Concern about Science: Responsibility in ‘Applying’ Science.” Translated by Herbert Donald Morton. In Congrsbundel Concern About Science. Amsterdam: Organizing Committee for the [Free University] Centennial Congress “Concem about Science,” 91–102.

Schuurman, Egbert 1982. “Creation and Science: Fundamental Questions Concerning Evolutionism and Creationism.” Issues 1, Wellington, NZ: Foundation for Christian Studies: 3—7.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1983. “The Church, Science and Technology.” Co-authored by E. Schuurman, R. Mouw, D. Botha, and A. Kouwenhoven. Grand Rapids: Report of the Reformed Ecumenical Synod, 1983.46 pp.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1983. “A Christian Philosophical Perspective on Technology.” In Theology and Technology: Essays in Christian Analysis and Exegesis. Edited by Carl Mitcham. Boston, London: University Press of America, 107–123,

Schuurman, Egbert. 1983. “Responsibility in Applying Science.” Research in Philosophy and Technology 5: 77–88.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1983. Information society: cultural impoverishment or enrichment [pdf]

Schuurman, Egbert. 1984. “A Christian Philosophical Perspective on Technology.” In Theology and Technology, edited by C. Mitcham and J. Grote, 107–123. New York: University Press of America.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1984. “Information Society: Impoverishment or Enrichment of Culture.” Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom University/Toronto: ICS, 14 pp.

Schuurman, Egbert, 1985. “Evolutionism and Creationism.” Christian Renewal 3, no. 15: 10—11.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1986. Responsible Technology (contributions) Monsma, S.V.(ed.). Grand Rapids, U.S.A.: Eerdmans.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1987. “The Modern Babylonian Culture,” In P. Durbin (ed.) Technology and Responsibility. Dordrecht: Reidel, pp. 229-243

Schuurman, Egbert. 1987. Christians in Babel. Jordan Station: Paideis Press. Also translated into Korean.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1989. “Agricultural Crisis in Context: A Reformational Philosophical Perspective,” Pro Rege 18, no. 1: 2–14. 

Schuurman, Egbert. 1990. The Future: Our Choice or God’s Gift?. Exile Publications, Wellington, New Zealand.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1992. “Crisis in Agriculture: Philosophical Perspective on the Relation Between Agriculture and Nature.” In Research in Philosophy and Technology: Technology and the Environment, edited by F. Ferré, 191-213. London: Jai Press. Also translated into Korean.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1993. “Technicism and the Dynamics of Creation.” Philosophia Reformata 58: 185–191.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1994, 1995. Perspectives on Technology and Culture. South Africa: I.R.S. press, U.S.A.: Dordt Press. Translated by J. Kok. Originally published (1990) as “Filosofie van de Technische Wetenschappen”. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1995. The Technological Culture Between the Times: A Christian Philosophical Assessment of Contemporary Society. Dordt Press.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1995. “The Technological Culture between the Times.” Translated by Herbert Donald Morton. In Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century. Edited by S. Gtiffioen and B. M. Balk. Kampen: Kok, 1995, 185–200.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1995. “A Confrontation with Technicism as the Spiritual Climate of the West,” Westminster Theological Journal 58: 63–84.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1995. “Toward a Critical Evaluation of Modern Technology in Western Agriculture,” in Actas 2do Congreso Interameticano de Filosofia de la Technologia. Edited by E. Lugo and H. J. Huyke. San Juan: Universidad de Puerto Rico, 73–92.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1995. “Technicism as the Main Climate of the West.” Westminster Theological Journal: 63–8

Schuurman, Egbert. 1996. “What Kind of Strategies Will Be Applicable in a Christian Political Party?” In Christianity and Democracy. Edited by B. J. van der Walt. Potchefstroom: Potchefstroom University, 202–211.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1996. “Religion and Politics,” in Cementing Relations between South Africa and the Netherlands. Den Haag: Publication of the Stichting Nieuw ZuidAfrika, 30-31.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1996. “A Confrontation with Technicism as the Spiritual Climate of the West,” Westminster Theological Journal 58, no. 1: 63–84.

Schuurman, Egbert. 1997. “Philosophical and technological problems of technicism and genetic engineering.” In Techné, Electronic Journal of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, vol. 3, no. 1.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2000. Faith and Hope in Technology. Canada: Toronto. Translated by John Vriend. Originally published (1998, 2004) as “Geloven in Wetenschap en Techniek”. Buijten & Schipperheijn, Amsterdam.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2000. “Enduring Perspective in Increasing Cultural Tensions.” In The Art of Living: The Cultural Challenge of the 21st Century. Rotterdam: International Association in Christian Artists, 79–81.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2000. “Foreword.” In Robert A. Wauzzinski, Disarming Prometheus: The Cry ‘for Wisdom in Our Technological Society. London: Associated University Press, 11-13.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2000. Beyond the empirical turn: responsible technology [pdf]

Schuurman, Egbert. 2002. The ethics of technology: technological worldview, pictures, motives, values and norms technology [off site] paper presented at Ecology, theology and Judeo-Christian ethics conference

Schuurman, Egbert. 2005. The Technological World Picture and an Ethics of Responsibility: Struggles in the Ethics of Technology. Dordt College Press, U.S.A. Translated by J. Kok.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2005. Technology, genetic manipulation, and the future [off site – excerpts from “The Future: Our Choice or God’s Gift?”] Public Justice Reports

Schuurman, Egbert. 2008. “The Challenge of Islam’s Critique of Technology.” In Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith —The Journal of the American Scientific Affiliation, vol. 60, no. 4, 75–83.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2008. The Ethics of Responsibility as a Comprehensive Approach: An Application to the Ethics of Technology Metanexus [offsite] paper presented at IS2005 Ethics: Person, Practices and Society Conference

Schuurman, Egbert. 2009. Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge. Republished by The Reformational Publishing Project and Paideia Press, Grand Rapids, USA.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2010. “Responsible Ethics for Global Technology,” in Tensions in the Global Technological Society. Rodenburg, Amsterdam.

Egbert, Schuurman. 2011. Technology and the ethics of responsibility Metanexus [offsite].

Schuurman, Egbert. 2016. “Courage in Politics: The Challenge for Christian Politicians,” Pro Rege 44, no. 4, 20–32.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2022. Transformation of the Technological Society. Sioux Center: Dordt Press

Schuurman, Egbert. 2023. “The Prevalent Technicism in Society,” in Discovering Dooyeweerd, edited by D. F. M. Strauss. Jordan Station: Paideia Press. Ch 35.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2023. “The Meaning of Technology,” in Discovering Dooyeweerd, edited by D. F. M. Strauss. Jordan Station: Paideia Press. Ch 51.

Schuurman, Egbert. 2024. Technology and Culture: Essays on the Interface. Grand Rapids: Paideia Press/ Aalten: Wordbridge Publishing.

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