Calvin Seerveld

Calvin Seerveld (b. 1930 in New York), professor Emeritus in Aesthetics at the Institute for Christian Studies (ICS), Toronto, received an MA in English literature and classics from the University of Michigan in 1953. He then went on to study under D. H. Th. Vollenhoven at the Free University in Amsterdam before begining to teach philosophical aesthetics at the ICS.  He is the author of a number of important books, including Rainbows for a Fallen World.

Most of Calvin Seerveld’s books can be obtained from Toronto Tuppence Press:

A bibliography of Seerveld’s works from 1995-2008 compiled by Steve Bishop is available here.New from Dordt College Press

Normative Aesthetics

Redemptive Art in Society

Cultural problems in Western Society

Art History Revisited

Cultural Education and History Writings

Biblical Studies and Wisdom of Living

Further details here:




The Bible



Art and art history

On Proverbs from Vanguard‘s ‘Take hold of God and pull’ series from 1972-1975:

Koers2010 A Christian mission of glocal culture within riven societies in God’s world   75(1)

When Does Christian College Teaching Celebrate the Reformation Initiated by Luther and Calvin: What do a Reformational Christian Philosophy and Christian Reformed Theology Have to do With One Another in Developing Christian Scholarship?” Dordt College Faculty Lecture, October 29, 2001

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