Chris Gousmett

Chris Gousmett has retired after a career in information management, working as a senior manager in a number of government organisations. He studied Hebrew and Philosophy at the University of Otago, and completed a Master of Philosophical Foundations degree, focusing on philosophical theology, at the Institute for Christian Studies in Toronto. 

He has a PhD in Patristic theology from the University of Otago, with a thesis on the inter-relationship of philosophical anthropology and the structure of eschatological thought in the Patristic writers. This is available at

His interests are in Reformational philosophy and theology, the history of thought, including history of science, and political and social theory. He now lives in Dunedin, New Zealand, where he is active as a researcher and writer.

His page is here where a number of his papers can be found.

He blogs at hearing and doing 


1982. Cosmology and the Old Testament world-view [pdf]

1983. Descartes and the theory of contingency [pdf] Anakainosis 6 (December) No 2, pp. 12-20.

1985. A latter day Augustinian: Diemer on creation and miracle [pdf] ICS paper.

1985. The nature of miracle and the miracle of nature: a study of the thought of J H Diemer concerning nature and miracle. MPhil Thesis ICS, Toronto.

1988. Creation order and miracle according to Augustine [pdf] Evangelical Quarterly 60 (3): 217-240.

1991. A Covenantal Perspective on the Earth and its Human Management [pdf] 

First published in Christian-Brethren Research Fellowship Journal 124 (March 1991):9-15. Reprinted in: Responsibility for our Natural Environment. C Gousmett and A T Chimuka. Potchefstroom: Institute for Reformational Studies, Study Pamphlet 350. February 1997, pp. 1-18.

1991. Christianity and politics: a reformational perspective [pdf] Republished in 1999: IRS F study pamphlets F1 no 384. Potchefstroom: Institute for reformational Studies.

1993. The delay of the Parousia and the inner coherence of Paul’s eschatology [pdf]

1993. The coherence of Paul’s eschatology and his Pharisaic background [pdf]

1996. Introduction to a Christian worldview: a course in thinking Christianly in the whole of life [pdf]

1997. God the creator of time [pdf]  Stimulus 9 (1997) 1:36-41

1997. Education in God’s World [pdf] Lectures delivered at the Master’s Institute and at NZ Association for Christian Schools.

1998. Cornerstone values [pdf] Stimulus 6 (November 1998) 4:32-39

1998. Economics in Christian perspective [pdf]

2006 The Whole Gospel for the Whole of Life [pdf]. This series of study outlines is intended to be used as a basic introduction to a distinctively Christian worldview that seeks to see the whole gospel applied to the whole of life 

2020. (editor) Nature and Miracle. A revised version of J H Diemer’s Nature and Miracle, including a previously unpublished section of the English translation, a biography and supplementary material by Diemer relating to the theme of this book.

Being at home in God’s world [pdf]

God’s people in God’s world [pdf]

Miracles: signs of the coming kingdom [pdf]

The Christ of the Spirit in Athanasius and Kuyper [pdf]

Dooyeweerd on Faith and apostasy [pdf]

Bavinck and Kuyper on miracles [pdf]

Faith in the unseen [pdf]

Free from condemnation [pdf]

God keeps his promises [pdf]

Hope of the resurrection [pdf]

Humanity of Jesus [pdf]

Jesus ate in their presence [pdf]

Old age, new age, age to come [pdf]

Realising your purpose in life [pdf]

The glory of the unseen God [pdf]

The Lord will come with the storm [pdf]

The true temple of God [pdf]

The resurrection in Daniel 12:2 [pdf]Audio

The coming of the kingdom of God (2015) mp3

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