Gerrit Glas

Gerrit Glas (1954) is psychiatrist and philosopher. He studied medicine at University of Amsterdam (MD 1981) and philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (MA, cum laude, 1982).

After his specialisation in psychiatry he worked in the University Medical Centre Utrecht (1985-2001) and for the Dimence Groep, Institute for mental health in the province of Overijssel (2001 – …). In the Dimence Groep he is a psychiatrist as well as director of residency training in psychiatry.

He did his PhD in Utrecht on ‘Concepts of anxiety and anxiety disorders. A clinical and philosophical study’ (Lisse/Amsterdam, 1991).

From 1992 – 2009 he held the special chair in Reformational Philosophy at Leiden University (department of philosophy).

From 2006 – 2012 he occupied a personal, strategic chair in Philosophy and Psychiatry, at Leiden University Medical Centre.

From 2008 on, he was granted the Dooyeweerd chair for Christian Philosophy at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam (department of humanities).

In 2016 he was also appointed at the chair for Philosophy of Neuroscience at the department of Anatomy and Neuroscience of VU medical Centre (VUmC).

His main areas of interest are conceptual and normative issues at the interface between philosophy, psychiatry, neuroscience, and society.

Together with Henk Jochemsen and Jan Hoogland he developed a so-called ‘normative practice model’ for medicine. This model is currently used in philosophical field work in medicine, nursing, education, communication studies, psychotherapy and agriculture.

Gerrit Glas is editor in chief of Philosophia Reformata, a member of the board of the Abraham Kuyper Centre for Science and Religion, and is chairman of the Foundation for Psychiatry and Religion and of the Platform for Psychiatry and Philosophy of the Dutch Association for Psychiatry.

Selected list of Publications in English


1996. Verhagen, P.J & G. Glas (Eds.) Psyche and Faith. Beyond Professionalism. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 1996.

2007. G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer [323 pp.].

2016. G. Glas & G.J. de Ridder. The Future of Creation Order. Part 1: Science, Technology and Normative Practices. Dordrecht: Springer.

2016. G. Glas. Person-centered Psychiatry – Self-relatedness, Normative Practices and Clinical Knowledge.

Peer reviewed articles in English

1. Hierarchy and dualism in Aristotelean psychologyPhilosophia Reformata, 57 (1992), 95-116.

2. Clinical practice and the complexity of medical knowledge. ESMPH-Bulletin (2) – CD-Rom, 1995.

3. Churchland, Kandel, and Dooyeweerd on the reducibility of mind statesPhilosophia Reformata, jrg. 67 (2002), 148-172.

4. Idem, ipse, and loss of the selfPhilosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, Vol. 10(4) (2003), 347-352.

5. History of psychiatric patients and symptoms. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, Vol. 16(6) (2003), 661-665.

6. Philosophical aspects of neurobiological research on anxiety and anxiety disorders. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 17 (2004), 457-464.

7. In search for normativity of unconscious reasoning. Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology, 12 (2005), 49-55.

8. Person, personality, self, and identity. The Journal of Personality Disorders, 20 (2006), 126-138.

9. Persons and their lives. Reformational philosophy on man, ethics, and beyondPhilosophia Reformata 71 (2006), 31-57.

10. Anxiety, anxiety disorders, spirituality and religionSouthern Medical Journal, Vol. 100 (2007), 621-625.

11. Is Dooyeweerd a panentheist? – Comments on Friesen’s ’95 theses on Herman Dooyeweerd’Philosophia Reformata, 74 [2009], 129-141.

12. Christian philosophical anthropology. A reformation perspectivePhilosophia Reformata, Vol. 75 [2010], 141-189.

13. Competence development as normative practice – Educational reform in medicine as heuristic model to relate worldview and education. Koers – Bulletin for Christian Scholarship 77(1) (2012), 70-75. Art. #411, 6 pages. http://dx.doi. org/10.4102/koers.v77i1.411

14. The thinker and the truth. Bringing Søren Kierkegaard in discussion with reformational philosophyPhilosophia Reformata, Vol. 77 (2012), 155–182.

15. Medicine is a science and a normative practice. Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology, Vol. 19(4) (2012), 285-289.

16. Dimensions of the self in emotion and psychopathology: consequences for self-management in anxiety and depression (accepted, Philosophy, Psychiatry, Psychology)

17. An enactive approach to anxiety and anxiety disorders (under review)

18. Tenney, N.H., Denys, D.A., van Megen, H.J., Glas, G., Westenberg, H.G. (2003), Effect of a pharmacological intervention on quality of life in patients with obsessive compulsive disorder. Int. Clin. Psychopharmacol. Vol. 18, 29-33.

19. J.A. den Boer, A.A.T.S. Reinders, G. Glas (2008). On looking inward; revisiting the role of introspection in neuroscientific and psychiatric research. Theory and Psychology, Vol. 18(3), 380-403.

20. F. Scheele, P. Teunissen, S. Van Luijk, E. Heineman, L. Fluit, H. Mulder, A. Meininger,  M. Wijnen-Meijer, G. Glas, H. Sluiter, T. Hummel (2008). Introducing competency-based postgraduate medical education in the Netherlands. Medical Teacher, Vol. 30, 248-253.

21. B. Verhoeff & G. Glas (2010). The search for dysfunctions. A commentary on ‘What is a mental/psychiatric disorder? From DSM-IV to DSM-V’ by Stein et al. (2010). Psychological Medicine, Vol. 40 (11), 1787-1788.

22. E.W. Baars, O. van der Hart, E.R.S. Nijenhuis, J.A. Chu, G. Glas, N. Draijer (2011). Predicting Stabilizing Treatment Outcomes for Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Dissociative Identity Disorder: An Expertise-Based Prognostic Model. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation, 12:1, 67-87.

23. Schuurmans J, van Balkom AJ, van Megen HJ, Smit JH, Eikelenboom M, Cath DC, Kaarsemaker M, Oosterbaan D, Hendriks GJ, Schruers KR, van der Wee NJ, Glas G, van Oppen P. (2012). The Netherlands Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Association (NOCDA) study: design and rationale of a longitudinal naturalistic study of the course of OCD and clinical characteristics of the sample at baseline. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research, Vol. 21(4):273-85. doi: 10.1002/mpr.1372. Epub 2012 Nov 12.

24. Van Bruggen, V., Vos, J., Westerhof, G., Bohlmeijer, E. & Glas, G. (2014). Systematic Review of Existential Anxiety Instruments. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 54[7], 1-29 [.DOI: 10.1177/0022167814542048]

Peer reviewed chapters in English

1. A conceptual history of anxiety and depression. In: J.A. den Boer & A. Sitsen (Eds.), Handbook on Anxiety and Depression. Marcel Dekker: New York/Basel/Hong Kong, 1994, 1-44

2. Ego, Self, and the Body. An Assessment of Dooyeweerd’s Philosophical Anthropology. In: S. Griffioen & B.M. Balk (Eds.), Christian Philosophy at the Close of the Twentieth Century. Assessment and perspective. Kok: Kampen, 1995, 67-78.

3. Concepts of anxiety: a historical reflection on anxiety and related disorders. In: H.G.M. Westenberg, J.A. den Boer & D.L. Murphy (Eds.), Advances in the Neurobiology of Anxiety and Related Disorders. London: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1996, 3-17.

4. Psyche and faith – beyond professionalism. In: P.J. Verhagen & G. Glas (Eds.), Psyche and Faith – Beyond Professionalism. Boekencentrum: Zoetermeer, 1996, 167-184.

5. Verhagen, P.J. & G. Glas, Preface. In: P.J. Verhagen & G. Glas (Eds.), Psyche and Faith. Beyond Professionalism. Zoetermeer: Boekencentrum, 1996, XI-XX.

6. The subjective dimension of anxiety: a neglected area in modern approaches to anxiety? In: J.A. den Boer, E. Murphy & H.G.M. Westenberg (Eds.), Clinical management of anxiety; theory and practical applications. New York: Marcel Dekker Inc., 1997, 43-62.

7. Anxiety – animal reactions and the embodiment of meaning. In: K.W.M. Fulford, K. Morris, J. Sadler & G. Stanghellini (Eds.). Nature and Narrative. An Introduction to the New Philosophy of Psychiatry (International Perspectives in Philosophy and Psychiatry) Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press (2003), 231-249.

8. Anxiety, pain, and the limits of relating to oneself. In: B. Granger & G. Charbonneau (Eds) (2003), Phénoménologie des sentiments corporels. I. Douleur, souffrance, dépression. Argenteuil: Le Cercle Hermeneutique/Collection Phéno, pp. 77-86.

9. The conceptual history of anxiety and depression. In: S. Kaspar, J.A. den Boer & A. Sitsen (Eds.) (2003). Handbook on Anxiety and Depression (second edition, revised and expanded). New York: Marcel Dekker, 1-47.

10. Elements of a phenomenology of evil and forgiveness. In: N. Potter (Ed.) (2006), Trauma and Truth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 171-202.

11. Preface. In: G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) (2007). Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer, xi-xvi.

12. Introduction to Historical and Conceptual Issues. In: G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) (2007). Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 3-8.

13. Introduction to Prophecy: Theological and Psychological Aspects. In: G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) (2007). Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 37-40.

14. Introduction to Martyrdom: Theological and Psychological Aspects. In: G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) (2007). Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 89-92.

15. Introduction to Messianism: Theological and Psychological Aspects. In: G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) (2007). Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 127-132.

16. Introduction to Interdisciplinary Issues: Prospects for the Future. In: G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) (2007). Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 207-212.

17. Searching for the Dynamic ‘Within’. Concluding Remarks on ‘Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities’. In: G. Glas, M.H. Spero, P.J. Verhagen, H.M. van Praag (Eds.) (2007). Hearing Visions and Seeing Voices. Psychological Aspects of Biblical Concepts and Personalities. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 295-310.

18. Religious and spiritual issues in anxiety and adjustment disorders. In: J.R. Peteet, F.G. Lu, W.E. Narrow (eds.), Religious and spiritual issues in psychiatric diagnosis. A research agenda for DSM-V. Washington: American Psychiatric Association, 2011, pp. 79-95.

19. Anxiety and phobias: Phenomenologies, concepts, explanations. In: K.W.M. Fulford, M. Davies, R. Gipps, G. Graham, J. Sadler, G. Stanghellini & T. Thornton (Eds). Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013, pp. 551-573.

20. Truth, truthfulness, and the I-self relationship. In: L. Zuidervaart, A. Carr, M. Klaassen, R. Shuker [Eds.]. Truth Matters: Knowledge, Politics, Ethics, Religion. Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2013, pp. 175-194.

“What is Christian Philosophy?,” Pro Rege: (2021) Vol. 40: No. 1, 1 – 17.
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