Dooyeweerd Works in English

1932. ARJA [Antirevolutionaire Jongerenactie]De Standaard Tues. 29 Nov. 1932.

1942. “The essence of Christianity.” A talk given at a meeting of the Comité Levensvragen (Committee for Studying the Questions of Life) sponsored by the Gereformeerde Kerk of Amsterdam South, Sunday, March 1, 1942. Translated by Harry Van Dyke in 2013.

1946. Law Concept in the Economy [Hetwetsbegrip ni de economie] Mededelingen 1946, pp. 2-3

1947. Introduction to transcendental criticism of philosophic thought. Evangelical Quarterly 19: 47-51.

1948. Transcendental Problems of Philosophic Thought: An Inquiry into the Transcendental Conditions of Philosophy. Eerdmans: Grand Rapids.

A Parallel Version Of Dooyeweerd’s Transcendental Problems Of Philosophic Thought (1948) & “Introduction To A Transcendental Criticism Of Philosophic Thought” Evangelical Quarterly (1947)

1951. ‘The contest about the concept of sovereignty in modern jurisprudence and political science’ Free University Quarterly 1: 85-106.

1953-8. A New Critique of Theoretical Thought 4 vols. Presbyterian and Reformed, Philadelphia.
This was a revision and a translation of the Dutch.

1957. ‘Del Vecchio’s idealistic philosophy of the law viewed in the light of a transcendental critique of philosophic thought’ Philosophia Reformata 22: 1-20, 101-24.

1958. ‘The criteria of progressive and reactionary tendencies in history’ in Verslag van de plechtige viering van het honderdvijftigjarig bestaan der Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, 6-9 Mei: 213–28

1960 “Christianity, Humanism and the European Future:” Delta, Winter issue, pp. 39-41.

1960. ‘What is Man?’ International Reformed Bulletin 3 (6): 4-16.

1960. In the Twilight of Western Thought: Studies in the Pretended of Philosophical Thought. Prebyterianand Reformed: Philadelphia. (Republished in 1972 by Craig Press, Nutley NJ).

1966. The secularisation of science. (Translated by Robert D. Knudsen.) International Reformed Bulletin 9: 2-18.

1968. The Christian Idea of the State (Translated by John Kraay) (The Craig Press, Nutley NJ)

1971. Cornelius van Til and the transcendental critique of theoretical thought. Jerusalem and Athens: critical Discussion on the theology and Apologetics of Cornelius Van Til (with a response by Van Til) Philadelphia. Also available on the Van Til CD.

1971. Sociology and law and its philosophical foundations. Truth and Reality: Essays Dedicated to H G Stoker Braamfontein.

1979. The problem of the relationship of nature and grace in the Calvinistic law-idea. Anakainosis 4: 13-15

1979. Roots of Western Culture: Pagan, Secular and Christian Options. Wedge: Toronto.

1986. A Christian Theory of Social Institutions. The Herman Dooyeweerd Foundation: La Jolla CA

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